
Gareth Mason

More is More



262 page hard cover catalog with 145 pages of Images of Gareth's Work
It is the first publication of a series of Letters between Gareth Mason and Richard Jacobs

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Can the far-reaching dilemmas of being an artist and pursuing a thoughtful life really be embedded in so humble an act as collecting or making ceramics? Do these ostensibly innocuous pursuits in truth veil a philosophical arena of absurd and profound proportions?
Gareth Mason is an internationally recognized British ceramic master who communicates the range of human expression both in clay and words. Richard Jacobs is an eccentric and ancient Californian pottery collector and writer. His writing addresses the aesthetic, philosophical and cultural content of the artifact, employing the literature of the humanities in empowering and enlightening its nature.

Their collaboration in the book, ‘More is More’, integrates the ordinarily estranged perspectives of artist and collector in a unique discourse.

262 page hard cover catalog with 145 pages of Images of Gareth's Work
It is the first publication of a series of Letters between Gareth Mason and Richard Jacobs

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